My truck scale pit has steel sticking out. Can you fix that?
Yes, AAA Weigh can repair truck scale pits. We have tons of experience repairing or replacing pit coping, pit walls, load cell piers, and other parts of the pit to ensure your truck scale is safe and secure in it's pit.
Can you fix digital truck scales?
Yes AAA Weigh can repair and calibrate digital truck scales. We have all the right tools and equipment to service most all brands.
Can AAA Weigh repair hydraulic truck scales?
Certainly. Our expert scale technicians can troubleshoot and repair hydraulic truck scales systems and get you up and running as quickly as possible.
Can you connect my truck scale to software?
AAA Weigh can connect most truck scales to your own proprietary software, or to a selection of truck scale software programs to record and print transactions, offer reporting, and keep your operation effective and efficient. Hardware and/or programming may be required. Give us a call to talk more about your application.
My stop lights do not operate when a truck drives on it. Can you help?
AAA Weigh technicians can troubleshoot and repair your truck scale's peripheral equipment as well as your truck scale. Stop lights, printers, remote displays, and other related equipment can all be taken care of by AAA Weigh.
Do you rent truck scales?
AAA Weigh can rent scales for longer repairs. We rent full truck scales and axle scales. Please contact us to discuss your needs. 800-3394-6622.